05 agosto 2009

13-15/11/09 – La conferenza del Culturerlink Network a Zagabria

Cosa: Incontro del Culturerlink Network
Dove: Zagabria, Croazia.
Quando: 13-15 novembre 2009.
Comunicato stampa: The Culturelink Network (Network of Networks for Research and Cooperation in Cultural Development) celebrates its 20th anniversary this year.

It was established by UNESCO and the Council of Europe in 1989 in Paris to strengthen communication amongst its members, encouraging international and intercultural communication and collaboration, as well as joint research projects.

The Third World Culturelink Conference will aim to investigate the role that cultural networks play and their relevance for cultural development. A retrospective overview of the cultural network phenomena in the past 20 years will act as grounds for debates on new perspectives on cultural networking in the 21st century.

The event will involve discussions of the promotion and affirmation of cultural diversity and intercultural communication through networking processes, and will look closely at case studies from all regions of the world, thus providing comparative examples and experiences on a global level.

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