C’è tempo fino al 30 settembre per partecipare al concorso Plural+ promosso dall’Unaoc, United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, e dalla Iom, International Organization for Migration. Il bando è aperto ai ragazzi fra i 9 e i 25 anni. Di seguito pubblichiamo il comunicato stampa dell’iniziativa (inglese e francese). Regole e dettagli si trovano al sito dell’Unaoc.
Plural+, a youth-produced video festival on migration and diversity
Youth from around the world are invited to participate in the PLURAL+ Video Festival on the themes of migration, diversity, and identity. The festival is the joint initiative of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAoC) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and is the product of collaboration with a number of other important partners.
Plural+ aims to empower young people to speak about what they think of migration and diversity and be heard by others all over the world.
Between now and 30 September 2009, youth from all over the world who are between the ages of 9 and 25 are invited to submit short videos on their thoughts, experiences, opinions, and questions on migration-related themes and on the challenges of ensuring respect and understanding among various communities.
An international jury which includes youth representatives and critically acclaimed filmmakers such as Abbas Kiarostami will announce the winners in New York on 18 December 2009, coinciding with International Migrants Day. The winning videos will receive international exposure and will be widely disseminated through broadcast, satellite, internet, film festivals and DVD. The Anna Lindh Foundation will choose 1 video and will award it with a diploma named “Plural+ Anna Lindh Euro-Med Award”.
Partner organizations on the festival include the Anna Lindh Foundation, BaKa FORUM, Chinh India, the Royal Film Commission of Jordan, Al Jadeed TV, No Ghetto / Respect Magazine, Without Borders Film Festival, COPEAM, Cyber School Bus, UNESCO E-platform, Roots & Routes, UNTV, Center for Migration Studies, and UNICEF.
All details about the Plural+ Video Festival, including the application form and Rules and Regulations, can be found at www.unaoc.org. We encourage you to share information about Plural+ with personal and professional contacts, including youth and media producers, who might be interested in the topics of migration, diversity and identity.
Plural+, festival des videos produits par des jeunes et portant sur la migration et diversite
Parole chiave : concorsi, Media, video
Trackback url: https://www.africaemediterraneo.it/blog/index.php/concorso-video-sui-temi-della-migrazione-per-i-ragazzi-promosso-dalle-nazioni-unite/trackback/
Presentazione dell’articolo “Globalizzazione e culture della salute. Corpi migranti e società plurale” a firma di Stefano Allievi, pubblicato sul numero 64 di Africa e Mediterraneo.
La de-territorializzazione e ri-territorializzazione di culture lontane, favorita dai fenomeni di globalizzazione e migratori, ha prodotto in Occidente, fra l’altro, una riapertura a forme e credenze “tradizionali”, che vanno ad affiancarsi al sapere medico “ufficiale”.
Le migrazioni, da un lato, hanno reso disponibili, in Occidente, saperi, mentalità e visioni del mondo “altre” e dall’altro hanno favorito il radicamento di “saperi condivisi”, ossia conoscenze e pratiche socio-culturali diffuse e condivise all’interno delle comunità immigrate. L’articolo mostra che il pluralismo o sincretismo culturale si manifesta in modo preponderante soprattutto lì dove sono in gioco gli elementi fondamentali del benessere: il sapere sul corpo e il richiamo ai valori ultimi che esso comporta.
In medicina, l’affiancarsi di forme alternative al sapere ufficiale ha modificato le idee tradizionali di salute, corpo, malattia, guarigione e morte.
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